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2016-04-11 14:28   审核人:
For now, I have been this University two years; from the first day I got here I knew that I was starting like this campus definitely.
Nobody ever told me that school life could be so amazing until I am here. After graduate from senior high school; I didn’t respect that my parents want me to study abroad; it sounds unbelievable when I heard that at first place.
The fresh year in XISU (Xi’an International Study University) was a little busy for me, I had to adapt to this school life and study harder and harder to get a good score. Actually score is not as much important as when we was a little, but I believe it is the best way to repaid for what parents did to me.
The instructors in our School Of International Program are very nice to us, they really taught me a lot, and they may not like teachers but more like friends, at least for me. Honestly, I don’t really want leave my family to another side of this planet, but it seems I don’t have others options to choose. The only way I’m going to take is keep working to get nearer to my resent goals, it’s helpful for both now and future, anyway. There is a long way to go to make our dreams come true, so what I need to do is doing my job and come back to my family after graduate, family means home and also our country. I will never forget that I’m a Chinese, wherever I am doing and whatever I am going to do, China will always be my final terminus.


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